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Monthly Personal Retreat Ideas

Give yourself space to allow a new level of experience and ideas to happen.

Ideally, take a couple of hours each month to look at the bigger picture of your life. These monthly Re-Treat ideas below guide us in bringing our head and heart into alignment as we focus on rejuvenation, personal and spiritual development and strategic goals.

With a longer personal retreat, we have the opportunity to rest in stillness. Spend about half of the retreat time simply being present to yourself. Be open to any little gems floating around your consciousness. Inspiration, imagination and intuition often bring powerful new ideas to us very subtly. When you become aware of being teased by an idea, capture it and explore it! Expand your horizons. Be willing to step from the known to the unknown.

Success and fulfillment come when we tune into our inspiration and then commit to acting on that inspiration. If we want something, we have to set the wheels in motion. No one but you can achieve your goals.

Take a minute right now and book time every month to do this important monthly Re-Treat Yourself review.

Monthly Re-Treat Yourself Ideas:

  1. Create sacred space - Give yourself at least 2 hours. Go to a favourite place where you will not be interrupted. If you like, use a mini personal ritual to affirm your intention to open to your higher guidance.
  2. Spend time in stillness - Take a few deep breaths and relax. Give yourself permission to do nothing at all to give yourself space. Just be with yourself. Go inside and observe and sense yourself - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Watch your thinking, experience your feelings, accept what is and let go of resistance. Even try a short meditation.
  3. Review your weekly summary notes for the last 4 weeks.
  4. Do some or all of the monthly Smart Questions.
  5. Review your Life MAP to see if anything has changed or needs attention.
  6. Update your focus/hot list page. Look at the bigger focus areas and the task list for each. Adjust priorities if necessary.
  7. Review the Higher Awareness Passport for your next learning or healing.
  8. Adjust your goals for the next month. Anchor the goals you want to attract to you.
  9. Summarize your next step(s) - Review your notes from this re-treat and in your journal write a short summary of your insights and intentions. Note what is important for you to track on the insight tracking on one page.
  10. Review your commitments - Check your daily calendar and dream calendar for the next month. Are adjustments needed to support your personal needs and goals?
  11. Give thanks for this time of solitude and inner connection.

For other Personal Retreat ideas and topics visit:

Any time micro Re-Treat Yourself Process - Reap the benefits of awareness pauses.

Daily mini Re-Treat Yourself Guide - Make the most starting and reviewing every day.

Weekly Re-Treat Yourself Topics - Focus on goals, balance and peace of mind.

Monthly Re-Treat Yourself Ideas - Focus on rejuvenation and staying on purpose.

Quarterly/Yearly Re-Treat Yourself Topics - Precious solitude to relax and reconnect with your big picture.

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