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Weekly Personal Retreat Topics

Take 30 minutes to ensure your life and week have balance

A week generally holds a natural cycle of work, play, rest, learning and spiritual connection. It's a perfect timeframe to ensure we have balance in our life.

Reflecting for at least 30 minutes each week allows us to rise above the daily details to be more proactive. A weekly review focuses on these personal topics: goals, planning, balance, effectiveness and enhancing peace of mind.

Weekly Re-Treat Yourself Topics:

  • Create a private quiet time where you won't be interrupted. If you like, set up a mini ritual to create sacred space, perhaps by lighting a candle.
  • Relax with breathing, then focus inside - Take a few deep breaths to relax. Focus inside to sense and experience yourself. As much as you can, accept what is and let go of any tension and resistance. Set an intention to trust your inner guidance.
  • Review your daily journal notes for the last 7 days.
  • Answer some or all of the weekly Smart Questions. This will support you to keep an eye on the bigger picture.
  • Ask, "Is my life balanced?" What do you want less of and more of to balance your weekly activities?
  • Anchor any goals you want to attract to you. Affirm and visualize what is important to you.
  • Review your commitments - Check your daily calendar and dream calendar for the next week. Are adjustments required to support your needs and goals?
  • Summarize your next step(s) - Review your notes from this re-treat and in your journal summarize any insights and action steps for the next week. Track what is important for you on the insight tracking on one page.
  • Give thanks for this time of solitude and inner connection.

    Optional personal topics for Greater Growth:
  • Check your focus/hot list page. Look at the bigger focus areas and the task list for each. Adjust priorities and action items if necessary.

Book time in your calendar for the weeks ahead to do this important weekly review. If you can commit the same time every week to this process, you will be more likely to build a lasting, life-supporting habit.

If you can't find private time at home or work to RE-Treat yourself, try going out to a cafe or park. We can enjoy blissful solitude in the midst of strangers!

For other Personal Retreat ideas and topics visit:

Any time micro Re-Treat Yourself Process - Reap the benefits of awareness pauses.

Daily mini Re-Treat Yourself Guide - Make the most starting and reviewing every day.

Weekly Re-Treat Yourself Topics - Focus on goals, balance and peace of mind.

Monthly Re-Treat Yourself Ideas - Focus on rejuvenation and staying on purpose.

Quarterly/Yearly Re-Treat Yourself Topics - Precious solitude to relax and reconnect with your big picture.

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