Expand BASIC Awareness
into HIGHER Awareness!

And Why you MUST
Know the Difference!  


Download your Free 'MAGIC POINT' Awareness Journey WORKSHEET !

Personal Development Resources

Choose from hundreds of personal development and self improvement resources - worksheets, lists, tools, exercises, questions, quotes and articles

Page Contents

Worksheets on One Page - Try these 12 one hour, step-by-step guides and worksheets.
Intuitive Answer Lists - Ask your intuition to choose answers for your life's questions.
Journaling Tools - Go deeper and reach higher. Find the tools that work best for you.
Inspirational Quotes & Tips - Enjoy powerful 'ah-ha!' moments that inspire and enlighten.
Smart Questions & Tips  - Question your life and discover new possibilities.
Article Archives - See life in new ways.

Worksheets on One Page

One-hour, one-page workout worksheets that quickly address life issues!

Each worksheet comes with instructions on how to fill it out. We help you cultivate clear intention, discipline, growth and higher awareness. Get new and powerful insights with our one page worksheets such as Life on One Page, Commitment, Creativity, Decision Making, Goal Setting, Know Yourself and many more.

Develop Intuition - Choose from 100 Lists of Answers

If you have questions - our lists have the answers!

Intuitive Answer Lists offer a rich collection of ideas to support us in problem solving, decision making, creativity and deeper understanding. Too often, we get stuck in habitual thinking patterns and we can't find new ideas, options or solutions. Now, our lists give you many options, ideas, choices and triggers to help you answer the questions and needs in your life.

Each Answer List typically contains 50 to 100 items.

See an example at  Personal Growth Benefits - What is in it for you?

Popular lists are - intuition blocks, defence mechanism, feelings and emotions, coaching questions, life challenges, money affirmations, skill assessment, ways of thinking and many more.

Journaling Tools

Go deeper ... reach higher ... with intention

Over 45 tools and exercises are presented in order from left brain, logical tools to right brain, intuitive tools:

  • managing, reviewing and tracking your process
  • focus intention and create awareness
  • making inner connections
  • developing the imagination and consciousness

Smart Questions and Tips

Broaden your perspectives with insightful Smart Questions

Smart Questions are powerful for drawing out your inner wisdom.  Answer your questions in writing. It takes just minutes to STOP and THINK and WRITE. Do this and watch your life begin to change! Over 1500 smart questions and prompts to draw out your own inner wisdom.

Inspirational Quotes & Tips

Open to new possibilities with these practical tips and transformative quotes! To get the most value from these inspirational quotes & tips:

  • Read the material slowly and thoughtfully.
  • Pause for a few moments to reflect on what this means for you personally.
  • Write what comes to mind.
  • Review what you've written and then write a summary of your insights.

Personal Growth Articles

Open to new possibilities with new perspectives!

Here are a few of many articles

Hundreds of powerful resources and tools you'll not see anywhere else!

We offer exceptional support. We answer all your questions. You are never left alone.

This is one of the most powerful websites I have ever seen. Please continue to help the people of this planet wake up. I believe you are being inspired by spirit. Thank you for being obedient.

~ CB ~